Calgary Custom Sports Mouthguards are specifically designed to protect your teeth and the soft tissues inside your mouth from injury. When we fabricate the SE Calgary sports mouth guards there is careful consideration in the design. A Calgary custom Sports Mouthguard is made from strong, tear-resistant material and is customized to fit your teeth properly. The material is light, which means it will not restrict your breathing and most importantly, custom Sports Mouthguards are comfortable. The fact is only a custom-fit Sports Mouthguard will offer you the best protection.
There are several options for sports mouthguards, including:
One-Size-Fit All Bulk Mouth Guards: These one-size-fit options are just as described. However, while relatively inexpensive, since everyone’s mouth is a different shape and size, these guards can be uncomfortable as well they don’t necessarily provide the greatest protection.
“Boil and Bite” Mouthguards: These mouthguards can be purchased online or at a local sporting goods store and are do-it-yourself in nature. They allow you to make your Calgary custom sports mouthguard by placing the mouthguard in boiling water and then fitting it to your mouth. While this is a better option than one-size-fits-all-all, it still does not offer the same level of comfort or protection as a custom sports mouthguard.
Calgary Custom Sports Mouthguard: If you are serious about sports, this is the recommended option for all levels of sports players. They are custom-made and shaped to your specific mouth shape. This allows for the most comfortable fit possible, yet still providing the highest level of protection. They may cost more than the other options, but not as much as you may think! This is one of those cases where you get what you pay for, and when you consider the level of injury prevention and comfort they provide, they are truly indispensable to the athlete!
Caring for your custom Sports Mouthguard in SE Calgary is quite simple. You will receive a protective case to store your SE Calgary mouthguard when it’s not in use. After wearing your sports mouthguard in Calgary, AB, simply rinse it with water and place it back in the case. Once a week, gently clean it with your toothbrush and toothpaste.